Latest news

  • Meet the winner: Asian/Pacific American Heritage Contest 2021

    March 30, 2022 Carol Chinea

    For Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May, Nearpod invited students to write an informational script honoring a historical figure from the AAPI community for a chance to…

  • Today’s innovation for tomorrow’s classroom

    March 24, 2022 Fanny Giuliani

    Svenia Busson is a passionate global learning innovation explorer who embarked upon an EdTech tour of 19 countries to discover and distill the world’s most future-proof teaching and learning practices…

  • 5 Ways to empower students as content creators

    March 14, 2022 Dr. Dan Kreiness

    In my day-to-day work as an instructional coach for digital learning and as an influential education podcaster, I push myself to find or create opportunities for teachers to invest in…

  • Moving Beyond Tech Fatigue in the Classroom

    March 11, 2022 DarriStephens

    Teachers and students are particularly at risk these days when it comes to overcoming fatigue, especially tech fatigue. Otherwise known as screen fatigue, digital fatigue, or technostress, tech fatigue can…

  • 5 ways to create collaborative learning experiences in the classroom

    February 22, 2022 The Nearpod Team

    Collaborative learning is all about coming together with others to understand a concept or work on a common task. In the classroom, collaboration is a great way to practice life…

  • What’s new with Nearpod: February 2022

    February 22, 2022 The Nearpod Team

    At Nearpod, we’re always looking for unique ways to support teachers. This winter, we’re releasing new updates for your favorite Nearpod features, such as Collaborate Board, Time to Climb, and…

  • UAE teachers spread positivity with wellness and soft skills training

    February 18, 2022 Steve Pachan

    Schools across the UAE are identifying the importance of mental wellbeing amid a raging global pandemic, and are taking measures to equip both UAE teachers and students with the necessary…

  • How to use tech tools for project based learning

    February 3, 2022 Shavonne Morganm

    Project based learning, or PBL, is an instructional approach where students actively think through challenges and explore real problem solving opportunities. Consider not just having math class, but creating a…

  • El orgullo de la escuela, también en línea

    January 21, 2022 Priscilla Pena

    La pandemia ha obligado a reivindicar más la importancia de los espacios digitales para las infancias. A través de los juegos en línea, por ejemplo, niños y niñas desarrollan habilidades…

  • Using tech to encourage student written expressions

    January 19, 2022 kimgarcia

    Student writing provides us with a window into their thinking, allowing educators to better understand a student’s depth of knowledge on a topic or identify misconceptions. Technology provides a range…

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