Blog post

Nearpod and Canvas: How it Works

July 12, 2018Jody Sailor and Katie Dewey Hill

Introduction to Nearpod and Canvas

Does your school use Canvas? If so, learn how to save time by merging Nearpod and Canvas into one! Canvas is a LMS that aids in gathering all the tools together so it can be easily accessible by students and teachers.

Using Nearpod and Canvas together

You can embed any Nearpod lesson into Canvas so the students can easily obtain it. Students can spend more energy learning the concepts and content rather than tracking down assignments and idea on multiple websites. Good-bye multi-tab teaching! This blog will cover:
  • How to access Nearpod through Canvas.
  • Showcase Nearpod Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI).
  • How to easily sync your Nearpod account into Canvas.
See how Nearpod integrates with Canvas to allow opportunities to engage with the content in exciting and creative ways!Click To Tweet

Using the Nearpod LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) in Canvas

Teachers can add Nearpod lessons as an assignment to keep everything consistent and in one hub. Nearpod also integrates with Canvas Gradebook! How to add a Nearpod assignment to Canvas
  • Click plus symbol in the module section
  • Add new assignment and name it
  • Open the assignment and click edit
  • Change “submission type” to external tool
  • Click “find” and choose Nearpod.
  • Select your desired lesson.
The LTI adds the participation report to Canvas
  • Teachers can see data and grade through Speedgrader (Canvas feature)
  • In Canvas, students have the ability to see their own reports in “Submission Details”

Installing the LTI

Here is how you add Nearpod into your Canvas:
  • Go to “settings” and click “apps” tab
  • Search Nearpod and then add app
  • Add consumer key and shared secrets.
  • Go to “Courses” tab on Canvas and make sure Nearpod is added successfully!
What is required for my Nearpod LTI to work?
  • You must have access to a Nearpod School or District license
  • The teacher must sign into their school or district Nearpod account to access their Nearpod library.
  • Students do NOT need a Nearpod account
Please use the Nearpod and Canvas Integration Starter Guide to help you and further answer any lingering questions or ask your questions in the Nearpod Help Center!

Use Nearpod and Canvas LMS tips and tricks! Integrate technology in the classroom by merging the two tools you love to use!
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